Thursday, July 14, 2011

My heart hurts-reflection

 He hurt me
But I hurt him
I feel stabbed
I want to scream
I love him so much
I feel everything I thought was real being ripped from my fingers
Reality sets in
The reason I dont trust
The reason I dont love
hits me in the face when I finally take a chance
I cant breathe
everything is spinning
my heart hurts.

Like this if you have been here before.

I scribbled this randomly during one of my break ups. I look back and see all the emotion and strain I went through (and Im sure many of you have been here before). If your single dudes always say "Why are you single?" As if your doing something the wrong way. But why does no one every say "Why are you dating?" The truth to that answer is often not a pleasant one. Insecurity, dependency, approval-all these things lead us to want a relationship. For christians, all these things can be solved or found in God. Did we forget that? When I see this poem, and I think of how God has never made me feel this way. I smile, and am happy I am single.

1 comment:

  1. "For christians, all these things can be solved or found in God. Did we forget that? When I see this poem, and I think of how God has never made me feel this way. I smile, and am happy I am single."

    so u!!!
