Friday, July 8, 2011

Another homemade flaxseed gel success!

This time I used a different lady's recipe.
Ultimately I used:
1/4 cup of brown flaxseeds (I got a half pound from the health food store for about $0.75!!!!!)
1 cup of water
1/8 cup of pure aloe vera
3 drops of essential oils

This time I cooked the seeds a bit longer and the consistency was much thicker. 
When I first tried to strain the seeds in the stocking only a little bit came out. I also think I let it cool too much. My solution was to put the seeds back in the pot and add some water to heat it up again. I did not let it boil just get it back to  a thinner consistency. That worked pretty well! so Here are a few pictures of the process. Again youtube has clear videos. naturalchica has my favorite. 


  1. ooh! I want to try making this gel since eco styler gel isnt all natural and tends to leave my hair dry. Great post!

  2. Yea. I love it! I dont use any other gels now.
