Friday, July 1, 2011

Boy talk #1

So I hope to have this topic where i can periodically vent or ponder my romantic life....or lack of it. Its always fun to talk about boys. Ill probably look back at this someday and laugh at myself for my worries and anticipations over potential interests. Currently I am single. It kinda overwhelmingly clear that I need to stay single for awhile and get my grades and career in order. However, in the mean time I have a few interests to keep me occupied and laughing. Ill have to leave names out since that would spoil some of this lol. So i guess right now I have two main interests. The problem is they r both very far away :( Why does that always happen to me? I am in no way a long distance kind of girl, but all the really great guys I meet seem to live in the next country! is this just a illusion I have that good guys only exist somewhere else? As in are there good guys right around here I dont notice? mmm well idk. Think on that more later. For the first time in a long time I am taking the super cautious route with both interests. Instead of rushing or anticipating I really want to get to know them as people first. If they are real future relationships waiting shouldn't change that. So its kinda like a 'friend with interest zone' if that makes sense? yea...anyway. More on that later......if you are looking for a guy to marry come to South Dakota...they will hook you right up. If you are looking for a guy to date. Don't come here! everyone is already dating/engaged. These seem to be their main interest.....and the caliber of guys is just not up to par if you ask me :( . You see beautiful girls with these plain unattractive guys all the time. There is not much to go around I guess....At the moment I am kinda looking for a guy to hang out with while i'm here. I have like a total of one female friend....which is kool. But lol when the semester starts and i'm stuck out here I hope to have some fun. Sooo im on the look out. Most of the black guys I have met are like at least 6-15 years older than me on average....sooo its kinda unfortunate. Idk where are the young 20s black guys are...might have to improvise....if I have any  luck i'll let you know. Its kinda depressing to see many black woman here in their 30s and still not married or dating....scary even. Thats like a flashing light for me saying 'gt out before your eggs dry up!' lol on that note I think im done. More coming up later!!!! haha

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